on heels most days

I would rather positioned on heels most days. I often positioned on dark and almost consistently positioned on the wedge. I have about 6 pairs on considerable rotation such as my favourite coach purses Chaos & Harmony peep-toe wedges, a suede and leather-based pair of Saben Says wedge boots with one another with a pair of suede ankle boots which i obtained for just about any steal.

My weekends are invested in one of two pairs of trusty Chuck Taylors. through the summer time I reside in Havaianas.I am currently lusting greater than an extra pair of wedges, this time grey suede by Acne. I'm also hunting a pair of Cherry Doc Martens. I've recently observed a sneak peak of Chaos & Harmony's summer time nike Jordan shoes and have managed to cut back my wishlist right down to just two pairs.

Chaos & Harmony have nailed making beautiful, fascinating but wearable shoes. They are so damn comfortable, regardless inside the actuality that some pairs possess a heel of extra than 5cm.I possess a handful of vintage ?replica louis vuitton bags such as a pair of flat dark leather-based ankle boots which i have positively thrashed and two extraordinary pairs of heels that utilized to belong to my gran. She purchased them in London through the 70s.
Par qqtian le lundi 18 juillet 2011


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